Just a random child we stopped to give a headband to |
True African Life.
The babies are all so strong.
So precious waving back to us. |
This was on our way back from M1 while we were stopped on the side of the road buying drums.
Davis, the gate keeper, who got a flower down for me that I wanted. |
ABUS! Our amazing bus driver.
He has 5 children, 2 of which were in the hospital due to malaria.
Our group bought him much needed nets! |
Day 3:
We began our day with Moses from Sixty Feet leading us to M3 and M4. There is not a greater man living more all out for the Gospel then him. He gets it. We are the first volunteers given access from the government to visit these facilities due to our affiliation with Sixty Feet. Sixty Feet is only able to go twice a week to both M1 and M3, and they’re now just starting to have approval at M4. M3 is a prison for children that are waiting for their trial date. None of them have been charged yet. They were around 10-18. Maria was their head lady, and she was such a warm and amazing lady. She told us that her boys and some girls are all good children, which is true. Somewhere along the line, she said the parents had failed to provide and that results in trying to steal for survival. She asked the children why we were there and one of the boys said “Because they love us.” It couldn’t be more true, and it is neat that they realize that we care deeply for them.
Worshiping at the prison. |
Making some ridiculous beats! |
We sang with the children and listened to them drum. Once again, it was amazinggggg.
Here the rooms were kept spotless.
I’ve never seen neater beds.
They were so precise and absolutely perfect.
Allison, Elisa, and I took the 12 girls into their room and gave each of them a headband. They were so thrilled and their joy radiated across their faces. Allison spent a lot of time painting nails while I played volleyball and other different games with some of the boys.
Some of the princesses! |
Beautiful. |
Moses; He does not walk properly due to polio. |
We brought lots of sport balls and those were a huge hit as well as the visors that that they could decorate that Allison and I purchased.
One of the guys on our team took a soccer ball to the camera which bounced up and hit his teeth.
Needless to say, there was lots of blood and three of his front teeth were chipped.
Nothing like breaking teeth in Africa.
He had such an amazing spirit and smiled and continued on the rest of the week.
Playing with some of the boys. |
The visors Allison and I bought were a huge hit! |
Rules in one of the bedrooms. |
One of the crazyyy neat beds. |
After the whole morning and afternoon there, we headed to M4. I cannot express to you the desparity and the need of the children in this facility. It is unacceptable. Every single team member left in tears. It was just a pitiful site.
The picture I got right outside of M4.
It's everywhere like this. |
The only picture we were allowed at M4 taken by our group leader. |
I'll write more later, but I need to go and hit the shower and then bed because I have an early morning with the babes tomorrow, but I'll add on to this post.
PS: Allison had her pictures all deleted, so there are no pictures from M3 from her camera this day. Sorry a lot are of me.
For the Joy of the Lord is my strength. -Nehemiah 8:10
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. -Psalm 84:10
Love following you journey! You ladies are an inspiration!