Thursday, July 5, 2012

All of Me.

We finally have some internet. No pictures yet, but those should come soon.  This was written my first night back.


Dear God:

Today was a long and exhausting day, but I arrived safely with all 4 of my bags back to your beautiful country of Uganda that has stolen my heart and was greeted by your wonderful servant, Pastor Rich.  You knew exactly what you were doing all my life when you planted the seed of Africa and children into my heart.  As soon as we landed, my heart was a flutter.  Tears just rolled, and I tried to soak up every intricate detail of this land that an ocean separated me from for 6 months too long.  Satan clearly had his handiwork all in this too as he puts doubts in my head about returning.  He makes me think that I can just stay at home doing whatever pleases me, but I’m reminded by the King of Kings:
You say it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
You say you can give it to me and you will take my burden.
You say this isn’t about you, it’s about me and I want you to be a part of my beautiful story.
You don’t need this because all you need is me.
You say I have a plan for you far greater than you ever could imagine or dream, and I don’t need your help or schemes, just willingness.
And he whispers, “Princess, I love you, and I want your WHOLE heart and all I want you to do is give me all your dreams, wishes, opportunities, and people, and be obedient when I call you.  It’s not going to be easy, but you have me and I will overflow your cup and guide you along.  And that my princess is enough."

I’m amazed at the support that you provided even when you knew I wouldn’t have time to work for the money.  Money ballooned out of nowhere and extrapolated.  I’m so humbled by your grace you extol even when I’m not patience, stubborn, and forget it’s not about you and less of me.  
Thank you for my blessed sister Susan.  I absolutely love her so much, and I'm grateful to be back living with her.   I thank you for this opportunity to be surrounded by your beautiful children and mamas who live very special lives.  Thank you so much for your grace and ability to lead even when there is darkness.  Thank you for the celebration of the 4th of July in community with strangers now united by you and Uganda, and thank you for allowing my best friend to be on this journey with me.  Thank you for the time to pour out our hearts together on the plan.  You knew exactly what you were doing when you placed each other in our lives.   Thanks for bringing me back to my first true love, you.

Love forever,
 Lindsay Alexandra

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